Happy New Year!! Woo-hoo! It is a new year! Wait? You say no, it’s a month away? You say, Pastor Joyce we haven’t Christmas yet. Hmm, call the board together, something is wrong with our pastor. Let me say it again, Happy New Year! Let me ask you a question, how do you know when the New Year is? Your answer is probably because the calendar says so. But there are other new year celebrations. Probably the one we are most familiar with is Chinese New Year. There is a Muslim New Year. The Jewish New Year is celebrated Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur. Countries like Thailand, Iran, and the Russian Orthodox church all have unique timing for celebrations. Time is a slave. We are slaves to our calendars. We are slaves to the tyranny of the clock. You know the sayings: Time and tide waits for no man. Time is money. Don’t waste your time. Time is the most valuable...