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Showing posts from August, 2021

Til The Storm Passes By

It’s almost fall.   Labor Day, the official end of summer is here.   Kids are already back in school.   Soon we’ll be drinking pumpkin spice, talking about Halloween, Turkey Shoots, and then Christmas.   This year is going very fast.   We had all hoped that 2021 would be better than 2020, and maybe it has, and maybe it hasn’t.   Depends on who you ask.   Whether one is worse then the other doesn’t really matter.   It’s rough right now. The last Sunday of August we prayed about Covid, Afghanistan, the devastating floods in Waverly, Hurricane Ida and a host of other local concerns.   I sometimes feel at a loss to know how to pray.   I feel ineffective.   As I prayerfully considered this writing for the Pastor’s Pen, I considered all these things that we as a country are dealing with and I watched the whipping winds of Ida tearing through Louisiana.   I feel overwhelmed as a pastor for all the needs we have in front of us.   Then I remembered an old gospel song.   Well, it’s not that