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In The Garden

And He Walks With Me

As I was praying and pondering what to write for my weekly devotional, I started thinking about the hymn, In The Garden.  We didn’t get to sing it on Sunday!  Nor did we get to sing He Lives, Up From the Grave, Christ Arose, and others.  I am sure that you have a hymn that you particularly love and makes your celebration of the Resurrection complete.  I also know that In The Garden is at the top of the list for many.
This hymn was written by C. Austin Miles.  When I was a kid and trying to learn to play the melodica, I used to sit for hours with the hymnal practicing the hymns.  I always liked to look at who composed the music and who wrote the lyrics.  I noticed that a lot of hymns were written by C. Austin Miles.  Mr. Miles is responsible for nearly 300 hymns that appear in hymnals.  Some of the ones we are familiar with are Love, Mercy, and Grace, and Dwelling in Beulah Land.  However, it is In The Garden for which he is best known. As I research the story behind this hymn, I found this: One day in March 1912, Miles, picked up his Bible. It had fallen open to John, chapter 20. He found in that chapter the story of Mary’s coming to the garden to visit the tomb of Jesus. As she looked into the tomb her heart sank because he wasn’t there. He, standing nearby, spoke to her, and she recognized Him. Her heart leaped for joy!  Miles imagined that he was present with them in the garden on that glorious occasion, witnessing the wonderful event. When his thoughts returned, he was gripping his Bible. His muscles, according to his own recollection, were tense and vibrating. Reverently he thought, “This is not an experience limited to a happening almost 2,000 years ago. It is the daily companionship with the Lord that makes up the Christian’s life.” I think God is speaking to us about having a revelation of the risen Christ.  I hope you had a chance to listen to the sermon for Sunday.  It is available on YouTube.  But it is the words of the hymn I want to focus on for a few minutes.I come to the garden alone – we are spending a lot of time alone or with those who live with us.  We feel lonely.While the dew is still on the roses – many of us are having trouble sleeping or sleeping too much but I encourage you to safely get out and see the flowers.  I have roses blooming in my front yard.  The speak to me of God’s beauty and life.And the melody that He gave to me within my heart is ringing – I encourage you to spend time in worship.  Sing hymns.  Ephesians 5:19-20 says Speaking to one another with psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit. Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.And He walks with me and He talks with me and He tells me I am His own – He is with us.  He has promised to never leave us or forsake us.  You can cling to that when things are difficult.  Listen for His voice because He will speak to you.And the joy we share as we tarry there none other has ever known – the Bible tells us that the joy of the Lord is our strength.  Do you need strength?  Tarry with the Lord.  As a kid I heard that term a lot.  It’s popular in the Pentecostal church – we were frequently told to tarry in prayer.  What happened when the early church tarried?  What happened when our forefathers and foremothers tarried?  Jesus showed up.  The Holy Spirit fell on them (Acts 2). And He will come to you today if we will spend time in His presence.


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